Charles County Schools
Charles County Schools
- Charles County, Maryland
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People with school-age children who are interested in checking out what Charles County, Maryland has to offer will find plenty of schools to choose from. While Maryland is the 9th smallest state it is also the 19th most populous which in turn generates a healthy tax base to fund area schools. Maryland is ranked 10th in the nation in school funding, and parents are likely to be quite pleased with the options to be found in Maryland.
Charles County Public Schools
The majority of schools in Charles County are operated by the Charles County Public Schools. The district is composed of 39 schools and educational centers.
6 High Schools (7 with St. Charles High School opening in 2014)
New to the Area?
Moving to a new area is always a bit scary but when it comes to educating your children, Charles County Public Schools makes it easy for you to get the information you need to make informed choices. Much of the information you need can be found by clicking in one convenient location. Finding the closest school is a snap with the Charles County Public Schools school locator. Even easier is finding a break-down of school demographics of the facility your child may attend. You can quickly access such information as class size, ethnic diversity, school spending and test results against state education requirements.
Charles County Public School officials work hard to ensure students receive a quality and challenging education. One way this has been done is through partnership with local businesses like the Community Bank of the Tri-County. From this joint effort has emerged a revolutionary online financial training program using the EverFi™ Financial Literacy Platform for High Schools system. With this advanced tool students learn financial lessons most of us had to learn the hard way after leaving school. It is programs like this which show how committed Charles County Public Schools is to teaching today’s students to cope with tomorrow’s problems.
Private Charles County Schools
While there are plenty of public school options throughout Charles County, there are also thriving private schools. Most are parochial schools sponsored by the Catholic, Lutheran or evangelical churches.
Bryantown - St. Mary's Elementary School - Pre-KG-8
Charlotte Hall - Sunny Meadow School - 1-8
Charlotte Hall - Woodside School - 1-8
Indian Head - Potomac Heights Christian Academy - Pre-KG-8
Indian Head - St. Mary Star Of The Sea School - Pre-KG-8
La Plata - Archbishop Neale School - Pre-KG-8
La Plata - Grace Lutheran School - (Special Education School) 4-12
La Plata - High Road School Of Southern Maryland - (Special Education School) 4-12
Mechanicsville - Sunny Meadow School - 1-7
Mechanicsville - Woodside School - 1-7
Waldorf - The Beddow School Inc - (Montessori School) Pre-KG-6
Waldorf - First Baptist Church Of St Charles Preschool & Kindergarten - (Early Childhood/Day Care) Pre-KG-KG
Waldorf – The Goddard School Of Waldorf - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
Waldorf - Good Shepherd Education Center - (Early Childhood/Day Care) Pre-KG & KG
Waldorf - Grace Brethren Christian School - Pre-KG-12
Waldorf - Grace Brethren Christian School - Pre-KG-12
Waldorf - KinderCare Learning Center - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
Waldorf - KinderCare on Doolittle Drive - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
Waldorf - KinderCare on Smallwood Drive - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
Waldorf - St. Peters Elementary School - KG-8
Waldorf -Waldorf Area Christian School - Pre-KG-9
Waldorf - Waldorf Baptist Kindergarten and Preschool - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
White Plains - KinderCare Learning Center - (Early Childhood/Day Care)
White Plains - Southern Maryland Christian Academy - Pre-KG-12
White Plains - Southern Maryland Christian Academy - Pre-KG-12

Other Parochial Schools
The greater Washington D.C. area also has a variety of schools for Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. All of these schools are within easy driving range of most of Charles County.
Charles County Public Schools have a wide variety of sporting activities in all of their schools with football, basketball, indoor track, swimming, and wrestling. In the spring, offerings include outdoor track, baseball and soccer. Many of the larger private schools have their own sports programs.
In addition to the school programs there are many sports activities sponsored by Charles County Public Schools and the Charles County Parks and Recreation departments. These include the Charles County Youth League. Beyond America’s favorite past-time of baseball, options include the Waldorf Soccer Club and the Charles County Lacrosse Club. Finally for those more interested in the gridiron there is the Youth Tackle Football & Cheerleading Program.
If you are thinking about buying or selling a home, give us a call at (301) 870-1717 or send us an email to explore your options and to find out when is the best time for you to make a move.